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Beamible FAQs
Still need help? Here are some frequently asked questions about Beamible.
How do I log in to my Beamible account?
Who can invite new members to an account?
Inviting team members
What is the difference between 'adding' a person and 'inviting' them?
Can I add someone into my Organisation without inviting them?
What does it mean if someone is 'unregistered'?
How do I update my password?
How do I reset my password?
How can I import my organisation’s data into Beamible?
Someone has left the organisation - how do I delete them from the platform?
Managing and deleting team members
How can People & Culture or HR teams use Beamible?
How can I invite unregistered Beamible users?
How do I go about communicating with my team to set us up for success?
What is an 'activity'?
How often should I be using Beamible?
How important is accuracy with the hours and activities for my individual role?
Should I just enter the maximum hours I do?
What’s the best way for us to use a common language for the types of activities we do as a team?
How can Beamible help me design roles with more flexibility?
How do I use Beamible for scenario planning?
Where does the individual role information come from?
Is Beamible a time management tool?
What is the best way to use Beamible for small teams (i.e. 1 direct report)?
How can I use Beamible to make my work more sustainable?
What if the workload for the whole team has spiked?
How do I create a private Team Design?
What’s is viewable and what’s private in Beamible?
How do I share a private draft Team Design?
How is ‘share’ different to ‘invite’?
How do I add tags to my work activities?
How do I view all of my 'tags' for my role/s?
How do I update my profile?
How are member profiles updated?
What is FTE?
What is the difference between a member profile FTE and role FTE?
How can I update my FTE?
What does Budget refer to?
What does Salary refer to?
What is the difference between Budget and Salary?
Is Salary and Budget data encrypted?
What is the difference between a role Budget and a person’s salary?
How do I add a member’s salary?
How do I populate a role's Budget data?
How do I populate member Salary data?
How can I see the total Budget for a team?
How can I see my team's role budgets?
What happens if I edit a member’s salary in the team?
How can I view the Budget and FTE for a specific tag?
Who can edit Salary and Budget data?
How can I view Budget data for a team?
How do I add in the amount of time I spend on each activity?
How do I add or delete activities in my role?
How do I assign a team member to a role?
How do I duplicate a role in a team?
How do I add or delete a role in a team?
What are team templates?
How do I use team templates to set up my team?
How do I create a team if it's not one of the team templates?
Where do I start when entering my role-specific activities?
Can multiple team members be editing the team at the same time?
How do I share a Team Board?
How do I share a private draft Teams Board?
Can I revert to a previous version of my team?
How can I view Budget data for a team?
As a Manager, do I input data into my Team Board to set things up?
How long should I be spending on entering my own individual role design?
Someone in my team undertakes similar activities. Can I use their role as a template and make it my own?
I have shared a Team Board with someone but they can’t see it?
What permissions are available in Beamible?
How can I update permissions for a member of my organisation?
Who can edit Administrator permissions?
What access does the Administrator permission provide?
What access does the Budget permission provide?
Can I make bulk permission updates?
Who can edit Budget permissions?
Do I need permission to update someone’s salary?
Can I filter my data (e.g. tags or search words) in my organisation?
HELP! I published a draft of the design view, but I now want to revert back to an original copy. Can I do this?
How do I create my organisation design within Beamible?
Can I view previous versions of an organisation design?
Can people within my team collaborate on changes regarding the organisation design structure?
How do I scenario plan using the organisation design tool?
What are Beamible Insights?
Who can edit 'tags'?
I’ve filtered for tags. What are some initial team discussion points?
What is the difference between filter types (i.e. team, role, activities and people)?
Can I filter/search in drafts?
Can I use the filter functionality at the org and team level?
How do I filter by text?
How do I filter by 'tags'?
How do I use the Beamible filters?
What are Beamible filters?
Where do I start when looking for insights based on Beamible data?
What is a 'tag'?
What are 'Beamible Tags'?
What are 'Custom Tags'?
How do I delete 'tags'?
How do I customise my organisation's list of 'tags'?
What is the Beamible Template Library?
What is a role template?
Is a role template like a job description?
How do I save a customised role template?
How do I create a new role template?
How do I add a Beamible role template into my Team Design?
What does the 'enabled' toggle mean in the role template details?
Can I delete a role template from the Beamible Template Library?
Who can make edits to the Beamible role templates?
Who can make edits to the Beamible Template Library?