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What are Beamible Insights?

Beamible insights

Written by Gill
Updated over a week ago

We’ve heard many clients say they’d really benefit from the ability to gather and analyse their Beamible data quickly to inform key people decisions - that’s why we created Beamible Insights!

You can use the activity data from core Beamible Tags to gain insight into the following:

  • Productivity - uncover productivity indicators such as time spent on work activities that are allocated to strategic goals, administration and internal meetings.

  • Work Health - recognise the proportion of work activities that are energising, or identify opportunities to adjust workloads.

The following visibility applies for Insights, depending on your Account permissions:

  • At the organisation level, all account members can see Organisation metrics.

  • At the team level, only Admin, Team Leads, and team members can see Team insights.

  • At the role level, Admin, Team Leads and Role assignees (people assigned to roles) can see role Insights.

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